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Most people when they hear the word ‘Abacus’ they think it’s an ancient tool that was used for mental math and dismiss it as irrelevant for the modern internet age. This is not true.
There are many benefits to using Abacus in learning math, especially in the formative years. Abacus helps children to visualize maths, improve their arithmetic skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

So if you are a parent and have children in the 6-12 year age group then without a second thought we suggest you explore and understand how your child can benefit from Abacus.
An abacus is a tool that has a string of many columns of beads, usually 5 in a column with a divider separating them. It was used for doing arithmetic calculations before the age of calculators and computers.

SIP Abacus training comprises 3 elements, namely Abacus, Brain Gym & Speed writing. Our methodology is time-tested and has been used in many countries with outstanding proven results. Our SIP curriculum is of international standard and continues to be developed and refined in co-operation with world-renowned educational experts. The contents of the syllabus and all teaching materials, strategies, and techniques are extremely child-friendly. SIP Abacus is the only abacus organization in the world that gives a guarantee to make children 5 times better.

Abacus being a calculative tool is used to perform basic arithmetic operations. Systematic learning from the SIP abacus helps children not only do sums faster but also makes them improve in their skills like Concentration, Visual Memory, and Listening skills. These skills in turn help to improve their overall confidence, which is a must in today’s world. While your child may be good at Math - however, the above skills are essential for children.

In SIP Abacus, numbers are seen in bead pictures and not in abstract form. This makes it easier and interesting for kids to learn basic arithmetic operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and division through the abacus. It also removes the fear for numbers and makes them attempt any Maths problem more confidently. Besides, your child will develop concentration, visual memory, and better listening skills. Hence you can see significant improvement in your child after the Foundation level.

At SIP Abacus, the idea is not just to compute ANSWERS, but to develop a child's mental ability. Only when the child is not afraid to solve problems, he/she can develop an interest in computing and coding.

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Early development is fundamental to the growth of your child

Early childhood development lays the foundation for lifelong learning and success. At SIP Abacus Anantapur, Yelahanka, Bangalore, we nurture young minds with proven techniques to enhance concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills.

At SIP Abacus Ananthapura Yelahanka Bangalore, we are more than just a math program we are a community of learners, educators, and innovators committed to shaping the future leaders of tomorrow.

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